Donate to VFW SC District 1

Your support and generosity help VFW's ongoing Mission and Vision supporting all the brave men and women and their families who have given so much.

Make Donations to VFW SC District 1

Donate by Check

Checks can be made out and mailed to:
VFW SC District 1
622 Bridlewood Lane
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

Please make a note in the "Memo" field the purpose of the Donation.

Donate Online

Donate to VFW District 1

Please make a note in the "Memo" field at checkout, the purpose of the Donation.

Donate Direct Transfer

If your bank or financial institution supports Zelle, you can send payments directly to the District 1 account with Dennis Hamilton (D1QM) using the email Please make a note in the "Reason (Optional)" field the specific purpose.


© 2024 VFW SC District 1